Healthy Lifestyle With Jamu
Dr. Martha Tilaar celebrates Kartini Day on 21 April 2009. The 72-year-old entrepreneur never ceased to innovate; her work and dedication is invaluable to Indonesia's cultural diversity. That's why Dr. Martha Tilaar, assisted by the team from Martha Tilaar Innovation Center, launched the book entitled Healthy Lifestyle with Jamu: Sehat dan Cantik Alami sesuai Siklus Kehidupan. The book launch is attended by Kusmayanto Kadiman PhD, Minister of Research & Technology, who gave the opening speech. "I learned a lot from Mrs. Martha Tilaar who gave one hundred percent of her love to local products," says Kusmayanto. "And I am happy that jamu, the authentic Indonesian drink, received such a high appreciation and not only positioned for the lower class."