Martha Tilaar Group (MTG) began pioneered by DR. Martha Tilaar in 1970 by opening a beauty salon Martha at her parents' salon, Yakob Handana, at Jalan Kusuma Atmaja No.47 Menteng, Central Jakarta.
- 1970 – Martha Tilaar started her business at the garage of her father’s house, Mr. Yakob Handana, in Menteng, Central Jakarta.
- 1972 – the opening of Martha Tilaar second beauty salon, Martha Griya Salon in Menteng, where the first traditional home-based traditional herbs and cosmetics business started. Thereafter, Sariayu Martha Tilaar herb medicines and cosmetics production opened in Cipete, South Jakarta.
- 1977 – partnering with Theresia Harsini Setiady (founder of Kalbe Group), PT. Martina Berto started launching Sariayu as Martha Tilaar’s brand producing modern herbs medicine and cosmetic products.
- 1981 – PT Martina Berto established its own manufacturing plant in the Pulogadung industrial area.1983 – the company opened its second manufacturing plant in Pulogadung.
- 1983 – PT Sari Ayu Indonesia was established to support PT Martina Berto in distributing their cosmetic products.
- 1988 – 1995 – acquisition of some enterprises into PT Martina Berto.
- 1999 – PT Martina Berto purchased the shares of Kalbe Group; the business was fully controlled by Martha Tilaar Group since then.
Today, the Martha Tilaar Group consists of PT Martino Berto (manufacture, marketing for Indonesia & International market), PT Sari Ayu Indonesia (distributor of Martha Tilaar Group cosmetic products), PT Martha Beauty Gallery (offering beauty counseling and educational services, i.e. Puspita Martha School of Beauty, Martha Tilaar Spa, Cipta Busana, Art & Beauty Martha Tilaar, PT Cantika Puspa Pesona (local and international franchise management for Martha Tilaar Spa, Dewi Sri Spa by Martha Tilaar, Eastern Garden Spa by Martha Tilaar), PT Creative Style (advertising agency company), PT Estrella Lab (a licensing of Germany Henkel Cosmetic), and PT Kreasi Boga (human resources agency). |