Jamu Garden Martha Tilaar
The holistic concept of beauty and health at every phase of the cycle of life
We sustain and nurture natural beauty based on the holistic concept of beauty and health. That is, we believe physical beauty springs forth from spiritual beauty and good health. The balance needed to realize this is known in ancient Javanese as 'Rupasampat Wahyabiantara.' As such, perfecting beauty and health is both physical and spiritual and in harmony with the natural cycle of life.
We base our concept of holistic beauty and health on the cycle of life in which there are five phases, namely, baby and child, teens, adult, postnatal and the gracious age.
Utilizing modern technology and a scientifiec approach, we harness the benefits of natural products. The result is the creation of products of international quality finely tuned to holistically care for one's beauty and health throughout life.
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